Which Type of Trailer Hitch is Best for You?
If you are looking to get into towing and hauling, then you need to get yourself a quality trailer hitch. All you need to know is the weight capacity of your vehicle and the type of trailer you're planning to haul. Once you know that getting the right trailer hitch is easy. Continue reading to learn all about the different types of trailer hitches, so you can make an informed decision when buying your next trailer hitch.
Types of Trailer Hitches
There are basically 5 different types of trailer hitches. The type you'll need basically depends on the type of driving and hauling you're going to be doing. Take a look below at the different types of hitches to see which type fits your needs.

Bumper Mounted Hitches
A bumper mounted hitch is great if you don't plan on doing a lot of heavy towing and hauling. This is because it mounts to the bumper rather than the frame, and you wouldn't want a heavy trailer pulling your bumper off. It does provide a receiver tube fro a ball mount for lighter trailers. But, we've found that these work best for bike racks and other hitch-mounted truck accessories. So if you want a cheap trailer hitch option then you might want to look into a bumper mounted hitches.

Front Mounted Hitches
It probably seems pretty obvious, but just incase you don't know. A front mounted hitch is great for truck accessories that attach to the front of your vehicle. If you want to ad a winch to the front of your truck a front mounted hitch is perfect for this. Also, if you do any plowing in the winter a front mounted trailer hitch will help you add a snow plow.

Gooseneck Hitch
A gooseneck hitch is one of the more heavy duty trailer hitches for tough jobs. They are designed to handle the heavy tow loads that accompany a gooseneck trailer. Trailers of this sort typically come in the form of an RV or livestock trailer but can also include other large trailers such as flatbeds. They install under the bed and come up through the center of the bed.

5th Wheel Hitch
A fifth wheel hitch is installed in the bed of a pickup. The weight of the trailer will press down between the cab of the truck and the rear axle. So make sure your truck can handle the weight of what you are towing.

Receiver Hitches
Receiver hitches are some of the most popular types of trailer hitches out there. They are the typical hitches you see on most trucks. They are categorized in classes 1 through 5, according to the maximum amount of weight they can tow. So they are easily the most versatile trailer hitch on the market. If you are looking for a receiver trailer hitch then take a look at the inventory at EZ Wheeler.
Other Tips
Towing a trailer can be a trial. Seemingly minor details, like adding a couple of hundred pounds to the rear, can make profound changes in the rig’s stability. But by following a few simple guidelines, you can stay on track, towing with the utmost ease and safety. All hitches are not created equal. The weight that your vehicle can tow is specified by the manufacturer and listed in the owner’s manual. Find two numbers: the gross trailer weight (GTW) and the maximum tongue weight. With those figures in hand, you can then pick the right trailer hitch.