Improvements are always Coming! | A Small Businesses Call for Help

Improvements are always Coming! | A Small Businesses Call for Help

by Jerry Kraft on October 10, 2024 Categories: News

A Message to our Customers: We’ve Been Busy

Web Development

We have been making a lot of changes to the website and our over all digital footprint over the past 8 months. We have been working hard to add features to our website to make it easier and faster for the customer to access the products their looking for. Such as, the new year make model search function we implemented recently, and the thumbnail grid menu on our homepage.

Optimized Listings are better for Everyone

We are constantly updating our inventory, the thing is, we don’t always get all the information we need from our suppliers and manufacturers. We work around the clock properly optimizing the listings for our products, so that our product pages our stacked with all the information you need to make an informed decision.

You may from time to time, come across a listing on our website that seems bare, with not much information. That is a listing that we have not optimized yet, what your looking at is the bare bones we get from the dealers. So, if you do find yourself on one of these listings, we ask you please be patient with us! Please reach out to us either through, email, phone, or social media, and we will be glad to tell you more about the listing you are interested in.

Social Media Growth

We are trying to get our name out there! We have recently began trying to grow our social media pages, if you could take a moment to throw us a like or even A FOLLOW! That would be awesome! Every bit counts! ALSO: We offer exclusive deals on all platforms! So don’t miss out on those savings!


A Call For Help

One other thing we wanted to address in this post was this. We sell most of our product through third party channels such as Ebay and Amazon, which is great. And we realize why, these third party channels act as a middle man of sorts, these platforms add a sense of trust, because everyone knows what Amazon is. Are they more likely to trust a small business they never heard of? Or are they going to trust the brand name they know and see every day? You guessed it, there going with Amazon.

But what lots of people don’t realize, is when they buy that product there buying from that same small business anyway, but only now there causing the business owner to fork over a big chunk of profits over to Amazon or Ebay or whatever it may be.

Now of course some people know this, but still go through these channels for that extra layer of protection. But I would implore everyone to be a little more trustworthy of small businesses and show some support, the littlest bit from one person can help a small business grow so much. If everyone did their shopping on actuals websites instead of Amazon, that would be huge! Small businesses like ours would see so much more growth it would be insane!!!

So our call to help is this: PLEASE show us some support by shopping direct with us next time, heck not even us but with whoever your shopping with. And if your browsing Amazon and you see something you like, look at whose selling it, then look up their website in google, shop direct! Most places will match Amazon Price if it happens to be lower than their direct store price, WE CERTAINLY DO! Again you have no idea how big of a deal this is, and how appreciative small business owners like us will be!

Thank you,

EZ Wheeler | Custom Truck, INC.

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